Safe Use of Foliar Fungicides to Manage Crop Diseases
Safe Use of Foliar Fungicides to Manage Crop Diseases

Fungicides have been used routinely in Nebraska to manage certain diseases of wheat, sugar beet and more recently on corn, but the arrival of soybean rust in the U.S. may necessitate the greater use of fungicides in soybean production.
When used correctly, fungicides can effectively reduce disease and prevent yield loss. Individuals responsible for applying fungicides need to understand how to minimize the environmental impacts of fungicides and protect their workers. This NebGuide highlights some important issues regarding the safe use of fungicides labeled for field crops in Nebraska.

Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) combines several strategies to effectively manage pests and minimize fungicide use. These management strategies include the use of resistant crops, cultural methods, scouting and fungicides. Monitoring crops for disease development will help determine when, or if, a fungicide application is warranted. This will reduce costs and minimize unnecessary use of fungicides which can lead to environmental contamination and buildup of fungicide resistance in pathogen populations.

Personal and Environmental Safety
The fungicide label contains important information for applying fungicides safely. Always read and follow the product label prior to application. Labels list where fungicides may be applied, what pests are controlled, how the fungicide should be applied, stored and disposed of, and what safety precautions to follow. Any use of a fungicide that is not consistent with statements on the label is illegal. This law applies to everyone and is intended to prevent the misuse of fungicides. Apply fungicides only to sites that are identified on the label. Sample fungicide labels can be found online from various sites such as the Greenbook ( and Crop Data Management Systems ( or fungicide manufacturers’ Web sites. Remember that these labels are reference or sample labels only. Use them to help make your decisions about control but don’t rely on them as the final word. Labels can and often do change, sometimes more than once a year. The label attached to the product along with any supplemental labeling is the official label for that fungicide product.

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