
Kresoxim-methyl is a broad-spectrum fungicide. It controls ascomycete, basidiomycete,
deuteromycete and oomycete fungi in a wide range of crops by preventing spore germination, mycelial growth and sporulation. Kresoxim-methyl has preventative and curative activity, but has little or no systemic activity. The fungicide will primarily be used as a foliar treatment and has particular activity against diseases of the leaf surface, such as powdery mildew (Erysiphe spp). It has a strong affinity for the waxy plant surface, adhering strongly under differing climatic conditions. The rate of penetration of the leaf cuticle is low. The fungicide diffuses laterally over the leaf surface after application, and provides translaminar control of disease on the untreated leaf surface. The fungicide has residual activity lasting 2-6 weeks, depending on crop and disease.
In field trials, kresoxim-methyl gave similar or better levels of disease control to commercial standards at lower application rates. In one set of trials, winter wheat was treated with epoxiconazole (D0019), and epoxiconazole plus kresoxim-methyl, and compared to untreated. Significant increases in yield of 0.93 and 0.53 t/ha were observed when kresoxim-methyl plus epoxiconazole was used compared to untreated plots and epoxiconazole treatment; the improvement is believed to be due to an increase in the green leaf area. The addition of kresoxim-methyl to epoxiconazole was found to delay leaf senescence and caused an increase in the duration of the green leaf area. No phytotoxicity has been shown on commercial apple and pear varieties. Kresoxim-methyl is safe to beneficials, including the predatory mite, Typhlodromus pyri.
The product can be used at spurburst for control of blackspot/scab, and at early pink stage for powdery mildew. Prior to petal fall and during rapid growth periods, the product should be applied at 7 to 10 day intervals; later applications should be at 10 to 14 day intervals. Once the spray has dried, the product exhibits good rainfastness, but the protectant activity may be reduced after 5-6 cm of rainfall. The product may be used with a non-ionic wetting agent at the recommended rate.
Use of Stroby is subject to an AVCARE Resistance Management Strategy. It is suitable for use in Intergrated Pest Management programmes. Stroby should not be applied more than three times per season.
Stroby is compatible with Acaban (P0024L), carcaryl 500, Gusathion, Insegar (P0001L), Klartan, Lorsban, Mimic (P0027), Pyranica (P0016L) and Thiodan; it should not be mixed with Omite.

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