Pesticide pollution is expected to be changed with the nanotechnology
Pesticide pollution is expected to be changed with the nanotechnology

The national important scientific research projects"The basic research of using nanometer materials and technology to improve efficacy and safety of the pesticide" Starts this year, traditional chemical pesticides, environmental pollution and other shortcomings could be changed through nanotechnology.

According to the project's chief scientist, researcher of Chinese agricultural sciences academy haixin cui introduced,China is the world's NO1 in pesticide production and use:Now there are more than 100 kinds of agricultural plant diseases and insect pests all the year around,  7 billion mu areas be controled with chemics, the usage amount per year is more than 2 million tons; The amounts of pesticide production is more than 3 million tons per year (technical), the output value is more than 200 billion yuan.Pesticides become the important base of material to safeguard security and stability of agricultural production.But at the same time, the proportion of the preparation which has high efficiency and low residues is not high, high value-added chemicals still rely on imports.

The science and technology of nano is the important way to ease the pesticide pollution.Haixin Cui stressed that because of its small size, large specific surface area and ability to be decorated,nano materials has the nanoparticles drug delivery system with water in order to improve the dispersion and transmission carrier to enhance stability of the coating, targeted to improve the efficiency, controllable release to prolong the effect time, catalytic degradation in order to reduce the residual amount, etc.

Pesticide related research report

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The project will focus on improving the aqueous dispersion characteristics of difficult soluble pesticide, improve the availability of biology;Improve the performance of foliar adhesion, retention and cover on the pesticide,improve the effective utilization, reduce loss;Improve the effect way of pesticide to target insects, worm intrusion ways and efficiency,improve the effect of biological activity and poison;Accelerate the pesticide residue degradation process,improve its environmental behavior and biological safety,reduce the pollution of environment and the agricultural residues.

The project team try to use five years to use nanometer materials and technology to improve the function of pesticide formulations,improve the mechanism of action of efficacy and safety,break through the bottleneck of the theory of pesticide formulations created  constraints;To establish an efficient, safe and low cost nanoparticles preparation methods of drug delivery system,develop green nano new pesticide formulations design patterns,promote the development of the green pesticide industry in China,ease the food pesticide residues and environmental pollution.

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